edition ID: 38
Stable URI: www.dalet.be/edition/38Publication year: 1547
Title page impressum: LOVANII, / Ex officina Seruatij Sasseni, Anno. / M. D. XLVII.
Title page date: 1547
Privilege date: NA
Paratext date: NA
Language: Latin
Description: 1. Title page (p. 1)
2. Latin text (pp. 2-88)
Bibliography: Feys, Xander. Forthcoming. Language and Literature Teaching in the Sixteenth Century: Vergil and Homer at the Louvain Collegium Trilingue (PhD Dissertation: KU Leuven), ch. 1.2.8.
Publishing place: Leuven
Colophon: NA
Colophon date: NA
Privilege place: NA
Paratext place: NA
USTC number: 441200
Z-3869 (2): Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Tolbiac
Ab urbe condita (Livy)
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