person ID: 73

Stable URI:


Full name: Andreas Gennepius Balenus

First name: Andreas Gennepius

Surname: Balenus

    Aliases (geonyms):

Date of birth: 1484

Certainty: High

Date of death: 1568

Certainty: High

(Approximate) age at death: 84


Data provided by the courtesy of GeoNames


Role From To Age Comment

Authorship (1)

Andreas Gennepius Balenus authored the following works:

ID Title Daterange Trismegistos?
61 Annotationes quaedam ad Hebraeae linguae notitiam plane necessariae 1554 to 1559

Copies (4)

Andreas Gennepius Balenus is related to the following copies:

ID Copy Edition Relation
21 LP 213 A סֵפֶר תְּהִלִּים. / Psalterium Hebraicum. professor
242 Ms. 8471-75, f. 25-32 professor
711 VB 3.675 4e A RP IVSTI VEL / SII HAGANI IN ARI / STOTELIS DE VIRTVTIBVS LI- / brum, commentariorum libri tres, omnibus Pla / tonicæ Aristotelicæq[ue] philosophiæ studio / sis comprimis utiles & necessarij. // ACCVRATA ET ARTICVLATIM DI- / stincteq[ue] facta omnium uirtutum humani animi diuisio. // EODEM IVSTO VELSIO HAGA / NO AVTORE. previous owner, recipient
718 BHSL.RES.0213 Viri et litterati & diserti / Antonii Mancinelli Op[us] perutile quod varie con / struct[i]onis Thesaurus inscribitur fere o[mn]em bene / loque[n]di r[ati]o[n]em paucis co[m]plecte[n]s lucidissime. professor

Courses (6)

Andreas Gennepius Balenus is related to the following courses:

ID Course Relation Periodization
43 Bible, Genesis Professor 1536(?) - 1537(?)
44 Bible, Ecclesiastes Professor 1536(?) - 1537(?)
42 Bible, Psalms Professor 1547 - (?)
47 Bible, Psalms Professor 1554(?) - 1559(?)
45 Hebrew grammar Professor 25 August 1554 - (?)
46 Hebrew grammar Professor December 1559 - (?)

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